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DEI Mentor

Experienced DEI mentor and sparring partner

Heidi Pech DEI mentor

Embark on your organisation's DEI journey with the support of an experienced mentor and sparring partner. My service is specifically designed for individuals responsible for driving DEI initiatives within their organisations.

Working with DEI is a complex and evolving journey that requires adept change management. DEI themes continuously develop alongside societal discussions and are intertwined with every aspect of a company's operations. In the organisational context, I see DEI as a lens through which all activities should be viewed, encompassing both people and culture, as well as business and core operations.

DEI leaders often face challenges and feelings of isolation. The responsibility of driving necessary changes can be daunting, sometimes accompanied by feelings of inadequacy. I offer support as someone who has been in your shoes. Together, we can ensure your organisation's DEI work is impactful, and you can thrive and grow as a DEI professional.


What I offer

  • Guidance and Support: Leveraging my own experiences and best practices, I help you navigate challenges and questions that arise in your DEI work.

  • Solution-Oriented Sparring: My approach is both solution-focused and coaching-like, helping you brainstorm and implement effective DEI strategies.

  • Professional Growth: With my mentorship, you’ll develop your skills, build confidence, and enhance your effectiveness as a DEI leader.

Whether you need help solving specific challenges, want to brainstorm innovative solutions, or seek guidance on best practices, I am here to support you every step of the way. I have different sized packages to suit different needs, and I am always happy to create a tailor made package for you.

"Working with Heidi was inspiring and very fruitful. I received clear, actionable advice from Heidi, which I could put into practice immediately. Heidi was also excellent at applying her expertise to various organizational settings. I recommend DEI mentoring by Heidi to all organisations and leaders who want to improve their DEI practices. Heidi offers expert, personal, and practical support, which can significantly advance both individuals' and organisations' DEI journeys"


Hanna Vanhala, Vilpe Oy

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Are you looking for more?

See my other services

DEI Speaker

I'm a passionate speaker who engages audiences with practical insights drawn from my personal experience in DEI leadership. I'm available for keynotes, fireside chats, panel discussions, podcasts and more.

DEI Advisor

I offer actionable advice rooted in real-world experience to solve DEI-related challenges in any organisation. Whether you need a one-off session or a long-term partnership, I provide the strategic support to drive lasting change. 

Building inclusive workplaces

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